Never Turn 20

My roommate and I once had a discussion about when you become a person. She said it’s when you have sex. I say it’s when you learn to drive a car. Both bring on new responsibilities, new challenges, and make you grow up. Growing up, I’ve learned, isn’t all its cracked up to be. Sure new responsibilities can make you feel more mature, new challenges make you feel more prepared to take on the world but growing up only exposes you to how complex and sometimes messed up the world can be. You notice things you hadn’t before, like peoples backwards views, political leaders outrageous statements, and how truly crazy most dieting gets. Being 20, I think, is just about the worst thing I have ever done.

Being home is awkward; it’s slipping so quickly into just being a familiar place rather than the traditional “home.” Your parents often treat you the little kid you once were, expecting to know where you are, when you’ll be home, if you want dinner, what are your plans for this weekend, have you called grandma yet, have you finished all those forms, and when are you going to get yourself to the dentist!? It can be a bit of culture shock coming back from college. I’m used to being where I want when I want and only shooting my roommate a text to ask where she put the laundry detergent or if she could PLEASE buy more toilet paper.

Adults are confused by 20 year olds. Being 20 makes it seem like you should be able to take care of yourself, live on your own, get to where you need to be, while eating a healthy meal and keeping in touch with everyone that worries about you… and you can do these things! But adults still want you to know that you are not invincible, you are not in control, and you really shouldn’t come home THAT late. But what is the true difference between 20 and 25? And for that matter what is the real difference between 18 and 27? According to the law, nothing. According to the man sitting at the end of the table listening to you explain your research on an app you think would really work with the company, a lot.

Does age count as something we can put on our resumes? Does every year we live on earth get us closer to the respect we deserve? Clearly I am ranting and venting… but if I cant do that on my own blog I don’t know where I can, amiright? So many question marks, so little time.

All I know is that my friends keep turning 20 and I wish I could stop them. There is still innocence in 19 but it all sprints and jumps out the window once you hit the big two oh.


My advice? Wait a year. 21 will be better… right?

Like me. Date me.

I have never eaten scrambled eggs, I have never bought toilet paper, and I have never gone on a date. Which one are you most shocked by? Well, if it was the date one- thank you, I don’t get it either. If it was the eggs- thank you for confirming my undesirable nature. C’est la vie, and in this life I am not one you take on a date. Why do you think this is? It’s not that boys don’t talk to me, or think I’m “kinda cool,” or “sorta cute,” so it must be something else…

Could it be the fact that I A) Talk too much. People go on dates to get to know each other (I’m guessing here, remember I’ve never been on a date). I happen to be, I think, a little too good at getting to know people. What I mean by this is, due to my bubbly friendly nature, I am very easy to talk to and do not need a formal setting to get people to open up.

If you know me at all then you will know that I am allergic to virtually everything. Since people mostly go on dates that involve food a good reason to not take me out would be B) they are afraid I won’t be able to eat anything or will eat something I am allergic to and die. I think this point is very valid. The fun of a date is the after part, right? Who want’s their date to die before they get to the fun part. It’s like getting hit by an astroid in the middle of dinner before you get to eat dessert. 

It must me the fact that I am C) too interesting and they are afraid that they will never be able to impress me. I’ve been to over 12 different countries, I speak three languages (English, Chinese, and UbbyDubby- the language they spoke on the PBS show ZOOM), I ran a national organization of 7000. ARE YOU IMPRESSED YET? ARE YOU INTIMIDATED? DO YOU WANNA GO ON A DATE?! 

Reality check: I wouldn’t know how to eat food in a cool way. If I ordered a salad the dressing would get all over my face, I’m bound to spill something or ANYTHING on me, and I would undoubtedly get food stuck in my teeth. I would talk about things that were way too personal, like if they’ve ever been in love, why they think their mom treats them differently than their other siblings, or their thoughts on what happens after death and if they don’t believe in anything then what is life even really about. You know what, maybe it’s a good thing boys don’t take me out. 

We all know what the real answer for why boys don’t take me to dinner though… I’m D) too funny.